As the caregiver of Sissy with severe food allergies and asthma, and DB who has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, sometimes the stress can become pretty overwhelming. I know I am not the only parent in the world who feels overwhelmed, so here is a list of ideas of things to do for yourself to relax and refresh. I call this the Airplane Mask Principle - you have to put on your own mask so that you can help someone else; likewise you have to take some time to do something good for yourself to be able to take care of someone else. Enjoy!
- Listen to Music
- Laugh - check out YouTube! Here are some of my favorites!
- Cuddle up to your family dog, cat, turtle or goat
- Knit/Cross Stitch/Crochet
- Yoga
- Take a nap
- Go outside - for even 5 minutes
- Call a friend
- Read a book - here are some good ones - for the most part they are really funny
- Buy yourself flowers
- Gather the kids in bed and watch a movie
- Take a hot bath or shower
- Prank text - it takes a little of the prankiness out of it, but, I do sometimes text people, "This is the Sears repair center, is your refrigerator running?"
- Celebrate Jammy Day! Spend a whole day wearing your jammies, if they have duckies on them, that's even better.
- Take a walk
- Do something nice for someone else
- Take a class - here are some of the classes offered at our local community center.
- Navajo Weaving
- Stained Glass
- Tap Dancing
- Fly Fishing
- Scuba Diving
- Snowboarding
- Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese or Russian
The point is to do something good for yourself. Have a good book to share? We'd love to hear it!
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